
STEEL GUARDING REFURBISHMENT: With over twenty years’ experience of refurbishment and improvement of existing guards, you can find no better choice tha MACHGUARD.

REVIEW: Call us now, and we can visit to assess your needs. By identifying your specific requirements, any compliance issues, and judging the condition and suitability of your current guarding system, we can quickly provide a written report of our recommendations for refurbishment.

RECOVERY: Our engineers will travel to site to dismantle and remove your guarding systems, taking them back to our specialised facility in South Yorkshire. There, they will be cleaned and reviewed in detail, for refurbishment.

REFURBISH: Where possible, any damage will be made good/ all work will be carried out using OEM replacement parts, or components manufactured by ourselves. In addition to this, we can apply any changes in design and application of your existing guard system, to ensure compliance with current directives, and suitability for purpose. Of course, any specific modifications such as to fit a different machine, can also be included.

REFIT: On completion if required, we will travel to site to re-fit the system, again ensuring compliance for your guarding application.

THE WAY FORWARD: In many cases, refurbishment can be the shortest and most economical route to an efficient guarding system. However, if you are unsure, call us now on 01709 578 222, or email, and we will contact you directly to provide the guidance you require.

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